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LAN port scan forbidder in Chrome z OffiDocs

LAN port scan forbidder  screen for extension Chrome web store in OffiDocs Chromium



Forbid untrusted web to scan localhost or LAN.

## Source Code Repo https://github.

com/garywill/LAN-port-scan-forbidder ## What Webs can try to fetch `` or `192.168.Y.

Z:xxxx` to scan your open ports in LAN.

Although browsers have cross-domain protections, webs can't read response contents, **but** can still see the connection succeeds or fails.

There're already reports that some websites using that as tracking fingerprint.

> A web for testing: http://samy.

pl/webscan/ ## So Forbid any website behaviors trying to connect to your LAN or localhost, if user is visiting the website via their domains or public IP addresses.

(Read the source code `background.

js` to see the logic) > Using JS library [whitequark/ipaddr.



js) (MIT License) v2.0.0 to judge IP range.

### Fallback operation If user find a web broken, user can temporary set this addon disabled via toolbar button for: - this one tab - this one tab and new tabs opened by this tab - this one window (Firefox only) - globally (above can be set as keyboard shortcuts) there's showy toolbar button badge indicating disabling status.

## Cases when web LAN scan is properly used Not all LAN-port-scan are evil.

- Some manufacturers provide web for user's browser to scan LAN for their product that need updating.

- Some softwares use `` communication to interact between native program and web.

Dodatkowe informacje:

- Oferowane przez
- Średnia ocena: 0 gwiazdek (nienawidzę tego)
- Deweloper Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. W przeglądarce musi być włączona obsługa JavaScript, żeby go zobaczyć.

LAN port scan forbidder web extension zintegrowany z OffiDocs Chromium Online

run Chrome Extensions
