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The Procession in the Streets of Jerusalem (Le cort\u00e8g

Free download The Procession in the Streets of Jerusalem (Le cort\u00e8ge dans les rues de J\u00e9rusalem) free photo or picture to be edited with GIMP online image editor



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Sitting astride a donkey, Jesus enters Jerusalem during the Passover season in triumph, receiving the acclamation of his followers, who call him the prophet of Nazareth and place garments or other textiles in his path, a homage typically reserved for kings. The multitudes also register their respect with bowed heads, outstretched arms, and clapping hands. Several of his followers celebrate his arrival with palm fronds, a symbol of victory in Jewish tradition. These palms subsequently gave the name to the Sunday that begins Holy Week and leads to the Passion.

In the foreground, the figures of two young boys from Tissot\u2019s drawings are repeated several times in a variety of poses and gestures, an almost stop-action, cinematic effect as their claps and shouts lend a sense of dynamism to the scene.

Siêu dữ liệu đối tượng có thể thay đổi theo thời gian, vui lòng kiểm tra Bảo tàng Brooklyn hồ sơ đối tượng để biết thông tin mới nhất.

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