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Staffing Helper in Chrome with OffiDocs

Staffing Helper  screen for extension Chrome web store in OffiDocs Chromium



Used in conjunction of WhenToWork.

com for help with allocating trades.

LCFD * Shows staffing hours to date * Color code by station * More separation between positions Version 0.1.4 adds bulk shift request from Schedule / Everyone's Schedule / Week.

Version 0.2.0 * Changes year-to-date hours - breaks out station hours and total hours * Bug fix to bulk shift scheduling, add alert once requests are submitted Version 0.2.2 * Label bug fix for W-DU S5 Version 0.2.3 * Updated checkbox javascript to remove index dependency for positions Version 0.2.4 * Added S6@S3 to summary numbers Version 0.2.5 * Removed hardcoding of year to date report range, now uses current year Version 0.2.6 * Added S5@S5 to summary numbers Version 0.2.7 * Added support for total points hours Version 0.3.0 * Added Tues night stipend crew and duty (DW@E, DW@W, DU-E-S, DU-W-S) * Fixed renaming of data-band-Stipend for checkbox toggling Version 0.3.1 * Fixes to comply with HTML changes by W2W, no new functionality Version 0.3.2 * Bug fix Version 0.3.3 * Fixes station total hr computation in Trade page Version 0.3.4 * Cat and mouse with w2w - they changed the name of their DLL from w2wE.

dll to w2wEE.

dll, we followed Version 0.3.5 - no changes, just syncing versions Version 0.3.6 * More fun with w2wE.

dll - changed to w2wE*.

dll to keep it working Version 0.3.7 * Added additional querystring params to pickup() call for bidding for shifts Version 0.3.8 * Added fwd at the end of the shift request to show your pending offers Version 0.3.9 * Removed fwd - it prevented the shifts from being requested Version 0.3.10 * Modify calling params for YTD staffing hrs report Version 0.3.11 * Removing nuisance alert on report return Version 0.3.12 * Remove fwd from shift request Version 0.3.13 * Updated call to request shift to w2wEE.

dll Version 0.3.14 * Corrected error on fields.

length by checking for 7 instead of 5 * Bumped back to w2wE.


Additional Information:

- Offered by Steve Jones
- Average rating : 0 stars (hated it)
- Developer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Staffing Helper web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online

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