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Resin Figure of Hapy Belonging to Henettawy (C)

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HENETTAWY, DAUGHTER OF ISETEMKHABSecond half of Dynasty 21, (ca. 1000\u2013945 B.C.)The Mistress of the House, Chantress of Amun, Chief of the Harim of Amun, Flutist of Mut, God's Mother of Khonsu, Henettawy, some seventy yeas old at the time of her death, was buried in the chamber of Tomb 60. Although her funerary goods are quite meager, the quality of the workmanship of her coffins suggests a person of exalted position. Her mother, Isetemkhab, was the First Chief of the Harim of Amun, which is the title of the wife of the High Priest of Amun. Our Henettawy is a daughter of one of the High Priests of Amun, probably Menkheperra (1045\u2013992 B.C.).Thebes, Deir el-Bahri, MMA 60,Chamber, burial 4Wood, faience, papyrus, and semiprecious stonesRogers Fund, 192525.3.6, .19, .20, .28, .29, .35, .155, .162, .171

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