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Cadni Bio

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Character Art by: Sgathan


{:bulletblue: 6 Age }:: 21
{:bulletblack: 6 DOB }:: February 17
{:bulletblue: 6 Height }:: 6' 2"
{:bulletblack: 6 Weight }:: 210 lbs
{:bulletblue: 6 Gender }:: Cis Female (she/her)
{:bulletblack: 6 Race }:: Twili
{:bulletblue: 6 Alliance }:: Chaotic Neutral
{:bulletblack: 6 Likes }:: Starry Nights | Cloudy Days | Rain | Soft Glows | Tea | Cool Temperatures | Small Things (People or Objects)
{:bulletblue: 6 Dislikes }::Mornings | Thunder | Lightning | |Being Short (for a Twili)
{:bulletblack: 6 Other information }::
Voice Actor: Lisa Hannigan

{:bulletblue: 6 Inventory }::
Magic Twili Wand
x2 Bottle(s)

:bulletblack:{ Personality }:bulletblack:

Candi is a soft-spoken Twili, and will not hesitate to fight for what she believes in. She's an amazing ally/friend, loyal to a fault. She is not above killing in the name of those she is loyal to. The only thing she puts over her friends is herself, so be wary of getting on her bad side. Although she does not feel much for her enemies, she does believe in being merciful. She would not allow an enemy to fall to slavery and instead be freed in death. She also hates being lied to.

:bulletblack:{ Biography }:bulletblack:

Candi was a daughter of her highstanding father back in the Twilight Realm, her mother being killed when Cadni is young. But when one night around when she was 8, she snuck out to play with some other Twili children to have around the realm.

While the group of children snuck around in the dead of night, they did not realize they were being fallowed by a gang of thugs. Her, along with the other children, were easily cornered and they began threatening the children, when they came to Cadni, back againist the wall, she refused them. Before they could grab her, she threw up her hands, causing them to freeze instantly. after the shock of this new ability set in, she quickly grabbed her friends items and escaped.

She never told her father about how she snuck out that night, about her new power, about anything from that night. She secretly learned how to use her powers, and even made her own wand to control it better, although she never need it. She defended her friends when they needed it, and she began to itch for something more

She heard of the land of Hyrule beyond the portals, and started to feel an inkling of adventure. When she told her father she was leaving, he told her that she was too weak, too fragile, to go to Hyrule. In her anger at his responseshe froze him in a block of ice and immedately left for Hyrule. She has not seen him since, but thinks about him often, and wonders if she made a dumb move.


:bulletblack:{ Class/Occupation }:bulletblack:
Ice Mage

:bulletblack:{ Race Skills }:bulletblack:

{:bulletblue: 6 Portal }:: Grants the owner the ability to teleport short distances. (limit 2 times per RP)

{:bulletblue: 6 Curse of the Goddess }:: This skill allows the owner to block out Sunlight from the battle field by creating a "Twilight bubble". This allows the shadow dwellers free reign over the battlefield. (can only be used once per RP, not needed for indoor battles, effect ends at the end of the battle)

:bulletblack: { Class Skills }:bulletblack:

{:bulletblue: 6 Lucky Charm }:: After a critical attack is landed the owner of this skill can activate this ability to land a second hit. Limit 2 times per rp.

{:bulletblue: 6 Impasse }:: Owners of this skill are able to make a barrier of there element for two turns. this prevents close range units from attacking the enemy but leaves the enemy open for long range attacks. (Limit 1 time per RP does not aid escapes)


:bulletblack:Dislikes:bulletblack: :bulletpurple:Fears:bulletpurple: :bulletyellow:Awkward:bulletyellow: :bulletwhite:Neutral/doesn't know that well:bulletwhite: :bulletblue:Wants to get to know better:bulletblue: :bulletgreen:Friend:bulletgreen: :bulletorange:Close Friend:bulletorange: :bulletpink:Crush/Lust:bulletpink: :bulletred:Love:bulletred:

:bulletpink:{ Contact }:bulletpink:
Ceara | 19 | She/her
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