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ShareAccount in Chrome z OffiDocs

ShareAccount  screen for extension Chrome web store in OffiDocs Chromium



Ever wanted to share an account, maybe Netflix or maybe something at work but couldn't find a good way to do it? If so, give ShareSafe a try! it's a safe way to share your session without giving out anything else in the process **Use** 1. Ask the recipient for their code (found on the extension menu RECEIVE ACCOUNT) 2. Go to the site from where you want to share the account and click the extension icon.

3. Naciśnij UDOSTĘPNIJ KONTO i wprowadź kod z opcjonalnym limitem czasu.

4. Naciśnij UDOSTĘPNIJ i skopiuj wynik.

5. Kto musi tylko dodać go w polu tekstowym KONTA ODBIERZ i nacisnąć ODBIERZ.

run Chrome Extensions
