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ChromeBot in Chrome with OffiDocs

ChromeBot  screen for extension Chrome web store in OffiDocs Chromium



Type / <command> <keyword> to get started! NOTE: We are actively building features! Have a dream feature you want? Shoot us a message and we'll let you know when it's added.

Slash away <3 QUICK USAGE: '/ extract github' extracts all github tabs to a new window.

Shorthand: / e github '/ squeeze' brings all tabs to your current window.

Shorthand: / s '/ ban youtube 120' bans youtube for 120 minutes.

Shorthand: / b youtube '/ merge featherx' merges all featherx tabs to the right of your window.

Shorthand: / m featherx '/ close reddit' closes all reddit tabs.

Shorthand: / c reddit '/ activate gmail' switches to gmail tab.

Shorthand: / a gmail

Additional Information:

- Offered by Tanay Kothari
- Average rating : 5 stars (loved it)
- Developer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

ChromeBot web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online

Run Chrome Extensions
