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Stormcrow Override Manager (Beta) in Chrome with OffiDocs

Stormcrow Override Manager (Beta)  screen for extension Chrome web store in OffiDocs Chromium



On dropbox.

com you can toggle Stormcrow experiment flags by manually adding special query parameters; this is known as a Stormcrow override.

For instance, to set the flag "browse_column_resizing" to "ON", you would load the url "www.



The Stormcrow Override Manager (SOM) is an extension that will create the stormcrow override string for you, attach it to the url, and remember it so that the next time you don't have to type it again.

Instructions for use: * Type the name of you feature in the text field and press Enter or click the "+" button.

* Make sure your feature is toggled as active using the checkbox (by default it will be) and the value of the overrides is correct (ON, OFF, or CUSTOM) * Add any additional overrides you want * Click Apply Overrides * Overrides you don't think you'll use anymore can be sent to the archive with the garbage icon button on the right.

They can be recovered or permanently removed through the Archive page (see tab at the top).

Usage notes: * Stormcrow overrides only work if you are signed into a Dropbox work account AND on the Dropbox network via VPN or by being in an office.

To make them work in other circumstances use an override token (see https://www.



* Stormcrow overrides will persist for five minutes by default if not "refreshed" by reloading the page with the override in the url.

Adding the query param "&stormcrow_override_ttl=600000" will extend the time by the specified number of seconds.

Additional Information:

- Offered by tristanp
- Average rating : 0 stars (hated it)
- Developer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Stormcrow Override Manager (Beta) web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online

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