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My Little Pony and Antoine Dodson data

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Who is Antoine Dodson? Antoine Dodson is spoken about/the subject in a video titled "Whatever Happened to Antoine Dodson?" by wavywebsurf (YouTube video ID ySGbyCuCi6w); here are transcripts of that vid:
* English subtitles, auto-generated by YouTube, single line:
** you know guys I think I've done you all the disservice I'm over here hosting this YouTube channel that covers classic viral YouTube videos and I haven't talked about probably the most iconic viral video of YouTube history I'm talking about Antoine Dodson and the Bed Intruder song he's clamming in your windows he's snatchin your people up tryna rape em so y'all need to hide your kids hide your wife because they rapin errbody on July 28th of 2010 at the time 24 year old Antoine Dodson was interviewed by a local Huntsville Alabama news station for a story covering a situation in which a man broke into Dodson's home and allegedly attempted to sexually assault his sister the suspect in question or the bed intruder himself was never actually charged with any crime that's a story for later in the video we'll get into it but anyways this rather eccentric interview clip featuring Antoine Dodson would end up going viral on YouTube and he slowly found himself becoming internet famous but once famous YouTube video song remixers schmoyoho aka the Gregory Brothers got their hands on Antoine Dodson's interview and create the bed intruder song Antoine Dodson would go on to become one of the most beloved the e celebrities of all time and I think most of you watching this video are keenly aware of Antoine Dodson you're aware of the bed intruder song but what most people don't know is what happened to Antoine Dodson after the bed intruder song went viral on YouTube and that's exactly what we're gonna talk about in today's video whatever happened to Antoine Dodson so after the bed intruder song produced by schmoyoho started to go viral both Antoine Dodson and the Gregory Brothers realized that there was some potential to monetize dotson status as an internet meme Dodson would enter a joint venture with Schmo Yoho and the two parties would share the revenue generated from the bed intruder song on iTunes in a 50/50 split and surely after its July 3rd release date the song was charting on the Billboard Hot 100 at number 89 and its some cases the song was being played on radio stations by the time September had rolled around schmoyoho and antoine dodson claimed the song had sold more than 250,000 copies on itunes and at 99 cents a download that's not a shabby paycheck using the income from the Bed Intruder song in addition with proceeds from t-shirt sales from his now-defunct website antoine dodson comm Dodson was able to move his family out of the Lincoln Park projects to a safer neighborhood in an undisclosed location in Huntsville Alabama that way they would be free of the looming threat of the still at large Bed Intruder as months passed the Bed Intruder song continued to accrue more and more views on YouTube and Datsun status as an internet celebrity would be further solidified and as 2011 came around Dodson found himself being inundated with business offers he would work with an entrepreneur to create a Bed Intruder Halloween costume which included a red bandana and a wife-beater which ended up selling well around Halloween he was also paid to endorse a sex offender locator application for Android and iOS help is on the way Antoine Dodson here for the revolutionary sex offender tracker app on top of these business collaborations he was getting TV appearance offers from Hollywood and because of this Dotson would decide to spend some time in California and would make appearances on TV shows like tosh point-o and George Lopez tonight it was certainly an exciting time for him and in early 2011 while Antoine Dodson was doing all these public appearance gigs he was approached by a television production company to sort of formulate a show around his likeness and about him moving from Alabama to Hollywood and the production company would work with Dotson to film some footage for this show but the actual finished product never came to fruition so now we're getting into the summer of 2011 the spice from the Bed Intruder song is still there Antoine Dodson is still a pretty hot commodity but the television offers start to slow down and the public appearance gigs pretty much cease it was at this point where Antoine Dodson entered the strange purgatory state that many celebs find themselves in the months after them blowing up online the business offers begin to slow down the source material begins to wane in popularity and things begin to monetarily stagnate it's a situation where it seemed like a traditional career in entertainment just fell in your lap but people are faced with the reality of internet stardom isn't the same as mainstream celebrity antoine dodson was eventually forced to return back to his family in huntsville alabama where he would remain for the foreseeable future months later after moving back to Alabama TMZ reported that antoine dodson had been arrested for possession of marijuana quote Dotson was popped in Alabama by Huntsville PD around 2:30 a.m. he was booked on a misdemeanor charge of possession of marijuana and released the short time after according to the jail's website Dotson was hit with a few other misdemeanor charges too for failing to appear on a traffic charge 1 for failing to have insurance and one for speeding he was then arrested again months later in September on September 24th of 2011 Dotson was pulled over and Huntsville for playing music from his car that could be heard farther than 50 feet away the police found that he had an outstanding warrant for failing to appear in court after his April 23rd 2011 arrest and took him into custody for the night he was released the next day on a 516 dollar bond after the back-to-back arrests in 2011 we wouldn't get a major update from antoine dodson until 2013 when he was involved in this rather bizarre controversy between him and his fans after he retracted his status as a homosexual man I have to renounce myself I'm no longer into homosexuality I want a wife and family I want to multiply and raise and love my family that I create I could care less about the fame and fortune I've given all that up to know the true history of the Bible for I am the true chosen Hebrew Israelite descendant of Judah and as true Israel I know that there are certain things we just can't do and I totally understand that now I don't need a Mercedes Benz I don't need a big house in Beverly Hills all I need is the most high and my family Israel I've been awakened by the great and so should you let's be delivered from the wickedness of the world and live the way we should the Most High bless all and have a beautiful evening Israel wake up and take full power of who you are I'm ready are you and if it wasn't made overly clear by this Facebook post it seems as though the reasoning behind antoine dodson disavowing his status as a homosexual man is that he became a black Hebrew Israelite and that lifestyle wasn't compatible with this new faith joins us now good to see you thank you so tell me you say you are quote no longer into homosexuality what made you change your mind [Music] I just been sitting reading a good book the Bible stuff like that this caused a bit of outrage within the LGBTQ community and Dawson with him losing followers across his social media accounts but at the end of the day it didn't really matter apparently Dawson had come to the conclusion that he was no longer gay and he was a straight man and there was nothing anyone could do or say to change his mind and that's that fast forward to 2014 remember the bed intruder yeah well he's still on the loose well not really because it turns out he wasn't trying to sexually assault Antoine Dodson's sister at all according to an interview with a man named Rashad Cooper who claims to be the bed intruder Cooper was romantically involved with Dodson's sister and the two had got in an argument which ended up with Cooper jumping out of the window after dots and sisters started throwing objects at him here's a quote from Cooper I was at the house chilling one day just me and Kelly she tried to do something I wasn't down for yet all of a sudden she got mad and bipolar and started throwing stuff trying to fight me so I won't lie I did hop out that window haha a mad woman you don't play with them and this was shot Cooper fellow who claims to be the infamous bed intruder would go on to challenge antoine dodson to a boxing match quote i was on facebook one day saw a link about Antoine wanted to do some fighting I was like are you serious I was always told patience comes to those who wait so I contacted Damon the promoter and told him I want to settle something I'm the alleged intruder he asked if I was serious then contacted Antoine and we set it up I'm looking forward to it because I'm still mad everything he said was a lie he destroyed my life all dirt comes out in the wash first off he's going to get knocked out he's gonna wind up crying and confessing after the beatdown I give him tell your wife tell your husband tell your kids this is going to be the best celebrity knockout you'll ever see in your life on October 30th it was announced that a boxing match between Cooper and Dotson would indeed go down on November 4th with the event being televised on ETV via pay-per-view and on November 4th the fight commenced his plan antoine dodson vs. Rashad Cooper play the clips [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so yeah the antoine dodson won the fight but if you ask me it looks like Rashad Cooper is sandbagging just a little bit you know there might be a small chance that this entire fight is staged and that this really isn't the been intruder but I don't know guys I'm just a YouTube commentator so don't take my word for it I'm an idiot that this thing is a hundred percent real right we'll just have to take Rashad Cooper and Antoine Dodson's word that this is indeed the real Bed Intruder it just looks so fake this wouldn't be the last time Antoine Dodson stepped into the ring he was later part of a celebrity boxing match against actor and TV producer Joe Rubbo and in this fight Antoine got TKO'd and lost the event which cost $100 to watch might I add and after those boxing matches in 2014 there really hasn't been much that's happened in Antoine Dodson's life he launched the Kickstarter several years ago in the hopes of launching a reality TV show about his life with the goal of $38,000 but it was never reached in fact it only got seven hundred and sixty six dollars and according to a 2018 interview with BT Dotson claims he now works as a substitute teacher in the Huntsville school district he occasionally uploads vlogs to his YouTube channel Antoine Dodson 24 and seems to be enjoying the calmer life of a former internet superstar got back to a somewhat normal person I think Antoine Dodson is a prime example of how short the limelight of being an e celebrity really is at first it seems like you'll be able to translate your source material hype into a career but it really never pans out that way and the years following Antoine blowing up online it always seemed like he was struggling to come up with some kind of way to capitalize on the meme with his last attempt seeming somewhat desperate with the boxing matches but at the end of the day man you can't really blame him for trying to make a buck off of his image and before I go I want to point something out it sure a shame that all of Antoine Dodson's videos on his YouTube channel are filmed vertically and have no editing whatsoever rendering them mostly unwatchable so much squandered potential if only he had access to a vast Bank of tutorial videos that could show him how to use editing software like Adobe Premiere and Final Cut Pro to take his channel to the next level what vast collection of tutorial videos am i referring to I'm talking about the sponsor of today's video skill share of course skill share is an online learning community for creators with more than 25,000 classes and video editing music production business and much much more Premium Membership gives you unlimited access so you can join classes and communities that are just right for you a class I recommend is video editing with Adobe Premiere for beginners by Jordy Vanderpool which would be a great start for not just Antoine but anyone wanting to learn how to edit videos for YouTube if you're looking to pick up a new skill for one of your creative endeavors or just want to genuinely expand your knowledge on a specific subject skill share has a class for it right now skills share is giving away a free 2 month unlimited access trial to the first 500 people who click the link in the description box and after that is just $10 a month so check that link out but anyways guys that's pretty much the story of whatever happened to Antoine Dodson let me know what you guys thought about the video and let me know who you want me to talk about next in the comments section major shout out to my patrons wavy web surf out peace [Music]
* English subtitles, significantly improved by me, single line:
** You know guys I think I've done you all the disservice. I'm over here hosting this YouTube channel that covers classic viral YouTube videos and I haven't talked about probably the most iconic viral video of YouTube history. I'm talking about Antoine Dodson and the Bed Intruder song. He's clamming in your windows he's snatchin your people up, tryna rape em, so y'all need to hide your kids, hide your wife, and hide your husband because they rapin errbody out here. On July 28th of 2010 at the time 24-year-old Antoine Dodson was interviewed by a local Huntsville Alabama news station for a story covering a situation in which a man broke into Dodson's home and allegedly attempted to sexually assault his sister. The suspect in question or the bed intruder himself was never actually charged with any crime. That's a story for later in the video; we'll get into it. But anyways this rather eccentric interview clip featuring Antoine Dodson would end up going viral on YouTube and he slowly found himself becoming Internet famous. But once famous YouTube video song remixers schmoyoho AKA the Gregory Brothers got their hands on Antoine Dodson's interview and create the Bed Intruder Song. ... husband because they rapin errbody out here. You don't have to come and ... Antoine Dodson would go on to become one of the most beloved the e- celebrities of all time and I think most of you watching this video are keenly aware of Antoine Dodson; you're aware of the bed intruder song, but what most people don't know is what happened to Antoine Dodson after the Bed Intruder song went viral on YouTube. And that's exactly what we're gonna talk about in today's video. Whatever happened to Antoine Dodson? So after the bed intruder song produced by schmoyoho started to go viral both Antoine Dodson and the Gregory Brothers realized that there was some potential to monetize Dodson's status as an Internet meme. Dodson would enter a joint venture with schmoyoho and the two parties would share the revenue generated from the bed intruder song on iTunes in a 50/50 split. And surely after its July 3rd release date the song was charting on the Billboard Hot 100 at number 89. And in some cases the song was being played on radio stations. By the time September had rolled around schmoyoho and Antoine Dodson claimed the song had sold more than 250,000 copies on itunes and at 99 cents a download, that's not a shabby paycheck. Using the income from the Bed Intruder song in addition with proceeds from t-shirt sales from his now-defunct website Antoine Dodson dot com, Dodson was able to move his family out of the Lincoln Park projects to a safer neighborhood in an undisclosed location in Huntsville, Alabama. That way they would be free of the looming threat of the still at large Bed Intruder. As months passed the Bed Intruder song continued to accrue more and more views on YouTube and Dodson status as an Internet celebrity would be further solidified. And as 2011 came around Dodson found himself being inundated with business offers. He would work with an entrepreneur to create a Bed Intruder Halloween costume which included a red bandana and a wife-beater which ended up selling well around Halloween. He was also paid to endorse a sex offender locator application for Android and iOS. Help is on the way. Antoine Dodson here for the revolutionary sex offender tracker app. On top of these business collaborations he was getting TV appearance offers from Hollywood, and because of this Dodson would decide to spend some time in California and would make appearances on TV shows like Tosh.0 and George Lopez Tonight. It was certainly an exciting time for him. And in early 2011 while Antoine Dodson was doing all these public appearance gigs he was approached by a television production company to sort of formulate a show around his likeness and about him moving from Alabama to Hollywood. And the production company would work with Dodson to film some footage for this show, but the actual finished product never came to fruition. So now we're getting into the summer of 2011. The spice from the Bed Intruder song is still there Antoine Dodson is still a pretty hot commodity, but the television offers start to slow down and the public appearance gigs pretty much cease. It was at this point where Antoine Dodson entered the strange purgatory state that many e-celebs find themselves in the months after them blowing up online. The business offers begin to slow down the source material begins to wane in popularity and things begin to monetarily stagnate. It's a situation where it seemed like a traditional career in entertainment just fell in your lap, but people are faced with the reality of Internet stardom isn't the same as mainstream celebrity. Antoine Dodson was eventually forced to return back to his family in Huntsville, Alabama where he would remain for the foreseeable future. Months later after moving back to Alabama TMZ reported that Antoine Dodson had been arrested for possession of marijuana. Quote: "Dotson was popped in Alabama by Huntsville PD around 2:30 a.m. He was booked on a misdemeanor charge of possession of marijuana and released the short time after. According to the jail's website Dodson was hit with a few other misdemeanor charges: two for failing to appear on a traffic charge, one for failing to have insurance and one for speeding." He was then arrested again months later in September. On September 24th of 2011 Dodson was pulled over and Huntsville for playing music from his car that could be heard farther than 50 feet away. The police found that he had an outstanding warrant for failing to appear in court after his April 23rd 2011 arrest and took him into custody for the night. He was released the next day on a 516 dollar bond. After the back-to-back arrests in 2011 we wouldn't get a major update from Antoine Dodson until 2013 when he was involved in this rather bizarre controversy between him and his fans after he retracted his status as a homosexual man. "I have to renounce myself. I'm no longer into homosexuality. I want a wife and family. I want to multiply and raise and love my family that I create. I could care less about the fame and fortune. I've given all that up to know the true history of the Bible, for I am the true chosen Hebrew Israelite descendant of Judah. And as true Israel I know that there are certain things we just can't do, and I totally understand that now. I don't need a Mercedes Benz. I don't need a big house in Beverly Hills. All I need is the most high and my family Israel. I've been awakened by the great and so should you. Let's be delivered from the wickedness of the world and live the way we should. The Most High bless all and have a beautiful evening. Israel wake up and take full power of who you are. I'm ready. Are you?" And if it wasn't made overly clear by this Facebook post it seems as though the reasoning behind Antoine Dodson disavowing his status as a homosexual man is that he became a black Hebrew Israelite, and that lifestyle wasn't compatible with this new faith. Antoine joins us now, good to see you. Thank you for having me. So tell me you say you are quote "no longer into homosexuality". What made you change your mind? Um it- it's just that you know like, I just been sitting at home. I've been having a lot of free time to myself, so I just been sitting reading the good book, the Bible, and stuff like that. This caused a bit of outrage within the LGBTQ community and Dodson, with him losing followers across his social media accounts. But, at the end of the day it didn't really matter. Apparently Dodson had come to the conclusion that he was no longer gay, and he was a straight man, and there was nothing anyone could do or say to change his mind, and that's that. Fast forward to 2014. Remember the Bed Intruder? Yeah well he's still on the loose. Well, not really because it turns out he wasn't trying to sexually assault Antoine Dodson's sister at all. According to an interview with a man named Rashad Cooper, who claims to be the Bed Intruder, Cooper was romantically involved with Dodson's sister and the two had got in an argument which ended up with Cooper jumping out of the window after Dodson's sisters started throwing objects at him. Here's a quote from Cooper "I was at the house chilling one day, just me and Kelly. She tried to do something I wasn't down for yet. All of a sudden she got mad and bipolar and started throwing stuff, trying to fight me. So I won't lie, I did hop out that window. Haha. A mad woman? You don't play with them." And this Rashad Cooper fellow who claims to be the infamous Bed Intruder would go on to challenge Antoine Dodson to a boxing match. Quote: "I was on Facebook one day and saw a link about Antoine wanting to do some fighting. I was like, 'are you serious?' I was always told patience comes to those who wait, so I contacted Damon the promoter and told him I want to settle something. I'm the alleged intruder. He asked if I was serious, then contacted Antoine and we set it up. I'm looking forward to it because I'm still mad. Everything he said was a lie; he destroyed my life. All dirt comes out in the wash. First off he's going to get knocked out. He's gonna wind up crying and confessing after the beatdown I give him. Tell yo wife, tell yo husband, tell yo kids, this is going to be the best celebrity knockout you'll ever see in your life." On October 30th it was announced that a boxing match between Cooper and Dodson would indeed go down on November 4th, with the event being televised on ETV via pay-per-view. And on November 4th the fight commenced as planed. Antoine Dodson vs. Rashad Cooper, play the clips. [Clapping] [Yelling] [Applause] [Applause] [Yelling] So yeah Antoine Dodson won the fight. But if you ask me, it looks like Rashad Cooper is sandbagging just a little bit. You know there might be a small chance that this entire fight is staged and that this really isn't the Bed Intruder. But, I don't know guys; I'm just a YouTube commentator, so don't take my word for it. I'm an idiot. This thing is a hundred percent real, right? We'll just have to take Rashad Cooper and Antoine Dodson's word that this is indeed the real Bed Intruder. It just looks so fake. This wouldn't be the last time Antoine Dodson stepped into the ring. He was later part of a celebrity boxing match against actor and TV producer Joe Rubbo. And in this fight Antoine got TKO'd and lost the event, which cost $100 to watch might I add. And after those boxing matches in 2014 there really hasn't been much that's happened in Antoine Dodson's life. He launched the Kickstarter several years ago in the hopes of launching a reality TV show about his life with the goal of $38,000. But it was never reached. In fact it only got seven hundred and sixty six dollars. And according to a 2018 interview with BET Dodson claims he now works as a substitute teacher in the Huntsville school district. He occasionally uploads vlogs to his YouTube channel antoinedodson24 and seems to be enjoying the calmer life of a former Internet superstar gone back to a somewhat normal person. I think Antoine Dodson is a prime example of how short the limelight of being an e-celebrity really is. At first it seems like you'll be able to translate your source material hype into a career, but it really never pans out that way. And the years following Antoine blowing up online it always seemed like he was struggling to come up with some kind of way to capitalize on the meme, with his last attempt seeming somewhat desperate with the boxing matches. But at the end of the day man you can't really blame him for trying to make a buck off of his image. And before I go I want to point something out. It sure a shame that all of Antoine Dodson's videos on his YouTube channel are filmed vertically and have no editing whatsoever rendering them mostly unwatchable, so much squandered potential. If only he had access to a vast bank of tutorial videos that could show him how to use editing software like Adobe Premiere and Final Cut Pro to take his channel to the next level. What vast collection of tutorial videos am I referring to? I'm talking about the sponsor of today's video Skillshare of course. Skillshare is an online learning community for creators with more than 25,000 classes in video editing, music production, business, and much much more. Premium membership gives you unlimited access, so you can join classes and communities that are just right for you. A class I recommend is video editing with Adobe Premiere for beginners by Jordy Vanderput, which would be a great start for not just Antoine but anyone wanting to learn how to edit videos for YouTube. If you're looking to pick up a new skill for one of your creative endeavors or just want to genuinely expand your knowledge on a specific subject, Skillshare has a class for it. Right now Skillsshare is giving away a free 2 month unlimited access trial to the first 500 people who click the link in the description box, and after that is just $10 a month. So check that link out. But anyways guys that's pretty much the story of "Whatever happened to Antoine Dodson?". Let me know what you guys thought about the video, and let me know who you want me to talk about next in the comments section, major shoutout to my patrons, wavywebsurf out, peace. [Music - a slowed version(?) of part of "Sherbet Land (GCN)" from Mario Kart 8; see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90xZXhVqqNQ]

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identifier from two pastebin.com paste IDs (EUMZ06yF EUZtC0n0) found at https://archive.org/details/pastebincom-pastes_2014-05-30

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