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OC: Croft Roy

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enclosed field // red, king
multiverse -- singleship

\u266b \u266b \u266b

ALIAS. sleepyhead
GENDER. male (cis)
PRONOUNS. he/him
AGE. 22
D.O.B. february 14th
ZODIAC. aquarius
HEIGHT. 6ft 2in
SPECIES. hylian
ETHNICITY. english
ORIENTATION. heterosexual - heteromantic


:bulletyellow: EARNEST |: 'resulting from or showing sincere and intense conviction' in regards to his role as crown prince of hyrule; he takes the title to heart & strives to be a benevolent ruler like his mother.
:bulletyellow: ELOQUENT |: 'fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing' he is well educated from many tutors but of the mundane & magical, access to the power of the triforce of wisdom & the castle's library has made him well read and well learned.
:bulletyellow: SELF-CRITICAL |: 'critical of oneself, one's abilities, or one's actions in a self-aware or unduly disapproving manner' reflects on his mistakes and faults and works to fix them... aside from his low energy mannerisms. being accepting of critique is part of being a ruler, and soul searching has made him well ready for the day when more than just his mother is watching his actions.

:bulletyellow: INFORMAL |: 'having a relaxed, friendly, or unofficial style, manner, or nature' despite being a prince, he prefers to be treated and treats others with a common air... unless the situation calls for anything else.
:bulletyellow: ARTISTIC |: 'having or revealing natural creative skill' while his studies are more important; he has long had a hobby for writing & drawing, though he is not known for either. his personal study can be found covered in unfinished drawings & half finished novels.

:bulletyellow: APATHETIC |: 'showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern' a comfortable life has given him very little to worry about in the way of his own being, and even situations pertaining to him are handled with apathy. he would rather be napping.
:bulletyellow: LETHARGIC |: 'of, relating to, or affected with lethargy; drowsy; sluggish; apathetic' perpetually low energy, an affluent slacker and stagnant sort of person. he likes to sleep a lot to make up for the fact that he is so low energy.
:bulletyellow: INTROVERTED |: 'a person predominantly concerned with their own thoughts and feelings rather than with external things' he is low energy in social situations, and may become moody or crabby if kept in them too long. values his alone time above most else, though being around someone he is comfortable with in silence is welcome.

LIKES. reading, drawing, naps, fall, puns, flowers
DISLIKES. early mornings, parties, snow
HOBBIES. drawing, herbology, archery


royal insignia ring
hylian circlet
leather bound journal & charcoal and ink


potential to use light magic due to hylia's bloodline. light arrows & the powers of the triforce of wisdom are not off limits to him.


LEGEND OF ZELDA VERSE |: crown prince of hyrule
born during a time of peace; a lapse between wars & legends to a progressive queen zelda rosetta of hyrule kingdom. while his father remains a mystery, some theorize that he must have been the queen's own champion, while others think the second-in-command of the ranger corps could potentially be the originator of the prince's genes. sporting his mother's dominant features, it truly remains a mystery.
while he should have lived an easy childhood thanks to the golden era of peace brought by his mother, he was a sickly child; causing much worry to the close knit family at hyrule castle. he was born too small, slept too long, learned to walk & speak slowly. for many years it was simply a struggle to take care of the ill prince, many referred to him as a runt; others spoke of ill fates for hyrule as zelda never bore any other children. for too long his future and his life were shrouded with uncertainty, but never did any of his caretakers give up hope for the boy.
nearing his thirteenth year, the situation took a turn for the worst. after a long few years of slow improvement, the prince fell severely ill once more; weak lungs could not survive the cold winter air and chronic pains in his joints made it near impossible to move from his bed. numerous doctors & healers from all over hyrule implored he be moved to warmer climates for his own sake, and so with a heavy heart, zelda sent him to live for some time in the warm hateno village at the base of mt lanayru with his tutor, selena. dreary days in the castle were replaced instead with dreary days in the quiet village, with the sound of the waves and legends from selena to keep him company- along with the fleeting company of some of the village children.
she told him of the surrounding geography; the nearby farms & businesses, and of mount lanayru which loomed miles into the sky above them. for many generations, the royal family of hyrule visited the springs to pray; to seek guidance and power from the goddesses and their beings. seeking a way to improve himself, he left while the village and his attendants slept to trek the mountain side. it was a foolish task even for one in good shape; between the climate and monsters, by all means the sickly prince who had never stepped foot out of hyrule castle shouldn't have survived. just how he did is a mystery even to him, as his first recollection after setting out was waking to the face of selena and a very angry nursemaid in the spring's water.
whatever did happen on mount lanayru changed his life for the better... after recovering from the brink of hypothermia, his entire demeanor had changed. getting out of bed had once been a challenge, but no more was he bed ridden and crippled. walks around the village and on the beach were taken greedily with a new appreciation for his life- it was in hateno that he began to draw to pass the time, and took up studying magic with selena.
upon returning to the castle nearly a year later, he no longer resembled the sickly boy he had once been; quiet and subdued perhaps, but in his absence he grew like a weed and loomed with nearly a foot of height on his mother. in better spirits and a proper state of health, he flourished both in his studies and in magic, and even became strong enough to learn how to ride a horse and use a lance in battle. now; the only problem he faces in being his mother's heir and crown prince of hyrule is his questionable heritage.




MOTHER |: Queen Zelda Rosetta of Hyrule
FATHER |: Unknown

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