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Leapfrog Leads in Chrome z OffiDocs

Leapfrog Leads  screen for extension Chrome web store in OffiDocs Chromium



The Chrome extension for Leapfrog Leads (https://leapfrogleads.

com/) that will make your experience even better.

After installing the extension: 1. Perform a job search on Upwork 2. You will know the Leadfrog Leads extension is working when you see a little green frog 3. Click the "RSS" link 4. The Leapfrog Leads extension will pop up on RSS feed page 5. Click "Subscribe to These Jobs" to open Leapfrog Leads with all necessary fields pre-populated in the recommended Leapfrog Leads way

Dodatkowe informacje:

- Offered by Leapfrog Leads
- Średnia ocena: 5 gwiazdek (bardzo mi się podobało)
- Deweloper Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. W przeglądarce musi być włączona obsługa JavaScript, żeby go zobaczyć.

Leapfrog Leads web extension zintegrowany z OffiDocs Chromium Online

run Chrome Extensions
