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SEO SERP 2 in Chrome z OffiDocs

SEO SERP 2  screen for extension Chrome web store in OffiDocs Chromium



Instructions: Just head to any SERP and open the extension popup to get a lot of useful stats.

Features: ☆ Works with All, Images, News and Videos searches.

☆ Number of the "above the fold" results (based on a standard 800px page height) ☆ Reports the ratio of https (secure) and http (not secure) results.

☆ Average, minimum and maximum titles lenght.

☆ Count of ellipsed titles, and their average lenght.

☆ Full list of results with position in SERP, URL, title, and "scroll page" position.

☆ CSV export In the next version the list will be easily downloadable in CSV format and/or printable.

Waiting for feedback and feature requests.


2.4.6 - Fixed some parsing issues.

2.4.5 - CSV Download! New toolbar useful for future features, style fixes and added more sites 2.4.4 - Bug fixes, more site types 2.4.3 - Many more site types 2.4.2 - More fixes on startup 2.4.1 - Startup bugfix 2.4 - Fixed news report.

Added more site types 2.3 - Fixed report not showing in certain cases.

Added more site types.

2.2 - Fixed the new report and some cases in the "any" search.

Added more site types.

2.1 - Fixed "above the fold" calculation, better handling of no results pages, italian translation

Dodatkowe informacje:

- Oferowane przez
- Średnia ocena: 4.53 gwiazdek (bardzo mi się podobało)
- Deweloper Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. W przeglądarce musi być włączona obsługa JavaScript, żeby go zobaczyć.

SEO SERP 2 web extension zintegrowany z OffiDocs Chromium Online

run Chrome Extensions
