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Axie Gas Fee in Chrome z OffiDocs

Axie Gas Fee  screen for extension Chrome web store in OffiDocs Chromium



This free extension is not a replacement for Axie Live, but is simply a convenient alternative for those who frequently checks the ETH gas fee before proceeding with their Axie transactions, without the hassle of opening a new window or tab.

It refreshes automatically every 8 seconds so you don't worry getting outdated transaction amounts.

No data is collected from the user's browser (see Privacy practices tab above), and everything is for display purposes only.

-- Inspired by https://axie.

live Gas fee API powered by https://www.

łańcuch eteru.

org/ SLP and AXS API powered by https://www.


com/ Change log: v.

1.2.1 - updated gas conversion provider v1.2.0 - add Ronin token - add 24hr change for SLP, AXS, and Ronin tokens - add CoinGecko attribution - updated font and background contrast so it's easier to see text - updated currency dropdown location; moved beside the ETH/ text - updated footer copy v1.1.1 It was originally named "Axie Live Extension" because it is extending https://axie.

live, but at the same time, it also sounded like it was the official Chrome Extension version of Axie Live, which was never my intention to claim.

Changing the name to "Axie Gas Fee" and highlighting that this extension is massively inspired by Axie Live should clear the confusion.

v1.1.0 - add USDC in options - add icons beside the transaction rows - allow filtering of transactions v1.0.1 - replaced www.


org with www.

łańcuch eteru.

org (the former has shutdown its service, thus causing this extension to fail)

Dodatkowe informacje:

- Offered by morcen
- Średnia ocena: 4.6 gwiazdek (bardzo mi się podobało)
- Deweloper Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. W przeglądarce musi być włączona obsługa JavaScript, żeby go zobaczyć.

Axie Gas Fee web extension zintegrowany z OffiDocs Chromium Online

run Chrome Extensions
