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Raptorize for Rally in Chrome z OffiDocs

Raptorize for Rally  screen for extension Chrome web store in OffiDocs Chromium



Spice up your development process with a little fun! This extension will raptorize the screen when you drag tasks to "Done" in Rally.

Animations can also be played when tasks are unblocked, assigned, flow backwards, or blocked.

*NEW in this release* - Fixed an issue with onStoryComplete not firing - Specify your own hooks for ultimate customization! Features: - Pick your custom image (Unicorn, Superman, Raptor, Raptor w/ Hat) - Select RANDOM as image to use a random image - Random sounds available - User theme song on assign - Define a custom sound by URL - Card age accentuator - Sound effects when tasks are blocked - New event for tasks flowing backwards - Use a custom image of your choosing Special thanks to: Zurb Studios - for creating the initial jquery plugin http://zurb.

com/playground/jquery-raptorize Alex Brovkin - for the work on the original chrome extension http://brovalex.


Dodatkowe informacje:

- Offered by dreyguy
- Średnia ocena: 5 gwiazdek (bardzo mi się podobało)

Raptorize for Rally web extension zintegrowany z OffiDocs Chromium Online

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