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SmackJeeves Shameless Advertisments

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Shameless Advertisments was a "webcomic" hosted on Smackjeeves from 2010-2019. It served as a page for other users of the Smackjeeves site to advertise their own comics.

Accidently, it became a nice sample of artworks within a particular subculture (people making comics on Smackjeeves) in the 10's.

These are all the strips posted to Shameless Advertisments. One or two of these are mine! Enjoy!

Original Description: Ever made a comic that none notice? But do you think the comic would be very successful? Well, you just gotta advertise somewhere, maybe a multi-author comic, but that'll annoy other authors. NOT ANYMORE! In this comic, you can post as many advertisements as you like! Show others your comics, and watch comics from others! That way, everyone will be able to read the latest comics! Please only place advertisements for comics here. So no fillers, no bios, no spritesheets. Don't forget to add a link towards your comic profile in the comments section below the ad! We request that you read the rules & guidelines section if you haven't done so already. Please don't be negative about comics in the comments, no one wants their ad to look bad. For those interested: Last author count: 537 authors (July 2016)

List of Authors: ThatOneSpriter, --Floob--, -TheCreator-, -The_Creator-, .:Hugger:., .:Ishu:., .:Jay:., .:Kero:., 0fTheWind, 16-Bit Gamer, 1ce_k1d, 25aron25, 2kDonk, 8-bitSilverSnake, 833nirassi, abdie the hedgehog, abro, ace8993, AChildishHero, Adriafox222, AFreedom001, AKC333, Akimare34, akuruii, AmigoMonjo, AndToBeLoved, AnEpicKirby, Angel the Tenric, Anime Girl, Aramz, Arisa102, artdirector123, Arwin-Weko, AshleyMarie, Aurastorm_Guardian, ausaf75, austionwulf, AvoryAzion, Awesome Ollie, AwesomeFox1057, AwesomeMario7612, Awesomeness189, awsome guy, awsomebeans2, Aximili E I, Bageluigi, bartekolo, Bdc, BENandBEN, BestBuilder101, bhermies, Black Thunder 2, blackmoongirl2424, Blackopsdude, blakard, Blast the Hunter, BlazeTheHedgehog, blazikendude, Bliss, Blitz-Teneson, blitz5000, Blizzard, BlueEevee362, BlueJaySaint, Bluewyrm, BlueYoshi5, BlueZero12, Blumage16, bocodamondo, boomerboy, bowser100, BrandKG, Brandutt, Brawlitup99, Bre Ishurna the Wolf, BreakerLOLZ, BreakingFate, Broken Radio, Brownie_Boy0200, btownboi, BurningLito, CabbageBandit, CalliferDaKirbu, CamTroTH, CanineIke, CanineJr, captainkool, CarnageRulez312, CarrEntertainment, Cassanthia, cdbertram, centimon, Ceres Ariville, Ceviana, Chaos Master, ChaosBlue, Chaun, cheeselover, Chunck.co, CoffeeGuy, collaborational, Comic Fan, Comica Dreams, coolcorky, copafire, Crash guy, crazy D comix, Creeder, CrippleCakes, Crobinson17, crowgirl412, CrystalCircle, cub6, cupcake master, CursedBluto, D.F+3, d0mboi, Da Bag Man, Dapxl, Darian24, darklordtwitchykins, Dark_Mangaka83, Deltaman, Diamondman, Diewari, Djoing, DoomesPro93, DouglasSP, DragoErium, DragoniteMastah, dredex, DroppingMillions, DUDEVSTHEWORLD, Duxx, Ebi14, Ecaroh914, EclipseTC, EeveeManderDile, ElSmitty, EoTN, epicness, Ex-Agent Ra, ExplodingMuffins, Extreme5000, Extremmefan, Famimatsu, faram45, felicityfox, Feniks, FieryExplosion, FISHWHATERMELAN, FlameMaster360, FlashBang, Flygonmaster, ForresterV5, FossKnKiller, Founding, Frogsnack, Frost The Wolf, fums63, Furyblaze, futureborn, GamerDude7, Garchomp joe ;D., GaryStu, Gavin E Lou, Gehshi Tyukinomi, ghostieblu, Ghostodile, Ginchiyo, Gleamofpower, godmoderncommander, gogojojo33, Gosky3, GraceS, GrayBorders, greenpowerstar, Grenos evolution, Grey wolf, GreyouTT, grr8008, Guildmaster Emboar, Guilmon157, GunboyComics, hairold, Halfblood2000, HallowedReaper, Hanna B, HardyBigCax, Haru_The_Angel, Hatter98, Hawthorn Heights, HeavyArms_Spriter, himynameischris, Hollipopsicle, Hullabulloo, humpuswumpus, hyperthetiger, I-Wanna-be-a-Marysue, IamLibertyy, Ian Evans, Iceman404, Iggycrypt, Ima Fishtick, InfernapeRox, iRaex, itsdrhouse, J-B, jacobgavert, Jadedry, jaketheflareon231, jameswolf100, jamslambs, JayS, JayTheMonk, jellybeanier, Jensoman, JermhyTheHedgehog, JETTEJ, JoFro, Josephk, Kaelan Frey, Kai the Comic Maker, Kai173, kajiya no okane, Kalasi, kalen21, KarkatScreams, kayiu*, Keeper TGA, Kenny27, KevinOshawott, Kid W25, kikon9, Kiku-chan, Kinma, kinny-man, KirbyMarioFan, Kirbysmith [DJ], KirbytheBest, KitBrawler, KK Awesomesauce, Klonoa64, Klonoacomics, Kochi-chan, Kris the Demon, Krona The Lava Being, KuDu, KurodaTh, Kururuson, kwane, Kxng, Kyogroudon X, lakie_da_HEDGEFROG!, Legna_Etum, leGoldenDee, LeoniteTH, lern2surture, LogicShogun, lokimon4009, LoveIndy, LowkeyNubs, Lugbzurg, M.L.M, M067953240, MaCe, maelstrom51210, MARINA JUSTYAOI, Marioman12345, mariosonicmegaman, MarkTH, MaskedUmbreon, MasterLucky, MasterMace33, Matt the hedgehog, MattIshida23, mattyking1985, Mavy, Mecha the Hedgehog, MegaFanatic2.0, Megamaxmax, MegaTuga, Melvyn Lennard, Meta Knight the Hedgehog, metablast, Metaright, meur123, MFreak, MidnightFrog, Midnight_Riceballs101, Midwinter Hunt, Mikathegoldencitrus, misenjai, Mist th, MI_UK, MJSprinkles, moe2311, MonkeysUncle, Moon light madness, Moonskilled, Mortale95, Mr. Morlock, Mr. X, mslettucepeanutbutter, MubbaFubba90, myanusis_wet24, myrmidon, NarNarTheGreat, Natsunii, necrolichmon, Nekotive, Neon the Sniper Joe, neostar8710, neox64, ninjaturkey, nintendorulez, Nirvana star, NitztheBloody, Nnthoay, Nnthoay007, Nochiishh_bxbxg, nosoline, nousherwan, Nuzlocke.FireRed, NUZLOCKER, nyancat6650, oakdruid, ODIWAN77, odyssey2, OmegerWafflez, Omnimon630A, OnyxChimp, Pakie, Paradox Rogue, Parenthesis, parrish_broadnax, Patroness, Paul, PDoogan, pen-men, Phantom Gunman, Phenoix12, Phoenix of Chaos, Pidgeot Slayer, Pie God, pie123, Pine Team, Pinta77, pkm master, Plazmaz, plokman, PlutoniumJones, pokemon_cowgirl_drawer930, Prime, Proto165, PSA, PurpleChickenPineapple, pyrus, Qrow, Quirby64_:D, R2JM, Ra3v1l, Rage, ragingoblivion, Ramonerdna, RaphaelMorgan, rarhq2, Razr00, Real, Recette, RedBomber, RedCrow, Reenave, Reiz16, Ren Fowl, Retro Pikachu, ReZo-nancE, Riddledowz34, Risky2k, robybang, Royle McCulloch, Ruan, Rumsie, Rundrewrun, Ryder.TH, Ryoku!, RyoSoulreaper, Sakuratree08, Saphfire321, Scar, Scarlet Salamander, Scene-y Bopper, Scepter_the_Hedgehog, ScientificallySomething, Scrape the Wolf, sega-tendo-com2.0, Serusk, ServantofCygnus, ShadeThePanther, shadic the hedgehog, Shadow Addie, shadow567, shadowallthesame, Shadowfan0X94, ShadowSaiyanXD, ShamblesSJ, shiek colmme, Shighguard, ShugoInferno, Siccer, SilentDusk, Siul, SkyyKirby44, slimredninja, SlyferTH, SlylanderTH, smash, Smashfan64, SmashingTheNew, Smugleafdoofus3, SnakeKing, Sneaky Ziek, Solar-Twist, Someguy123, Sonic and The Secret Dings ;3, sonicfan42, SonicFan8690, sonichxc, Sparky The Fox, Sparowhawk, SpeedBoostTorchic, sponge760, Spritez, sqiggles, SteamingBullet, StellarKyra, Stevidog, stonewall, subata, Super Bluey, Superanimacje, Supernaturalists, SuperScratchkat, SylviaSylveon189, T-mizzle90, T1p2, Tailcoat, Tailsgod, taly4, Tanokki, TariqLovesComics, tashad313, TeamAwesomeData, TeamSonicPrez, TeamSonicPrezREBORN, tekern, Terry93, Tex, The Awsome 13, The Girl Who Barks, The Stick Man of Smackjeeves, theadventuretimenerd, thebradyiceeevee02, thecreator, Thedude3445, TheJGamer, TheMysteriousThirdCaller, TheNamelessAssassin, TheProjectCore, TheSpriterZ, The_Hankerchief, The_mad_one, The_Project, TiloXofXTanto, TommyShizuko, TrueFlashMega101, TurboTMoses, turtlepastry, typholeon90, ugardian34, Ultima527, Ultimate Ridley, Ultimate the Hedgehog, UltimateDracoMeteor, Ultraluario64, ultralucario64, UnoriginalMSPaint31, u_fido_u, V.G.A, Vaharamus, vanac, Vanilla The Witch, Vaporeon is cool, Venomjack, vessalband, videojunk, Vinnie_, Vlad the Hedgehog, Volumegx333, warrior55k, Waterclaw, Weaver Tyialo, WierdoGuy, WorldKeeper, x-Friskybuisness-x, Xanden, Xenocide, xgamez3000, XHH, XP_Lulz, xtreme_phoenix, xXAbsol25Xx, xXCamTroXx, youdont12know, youngsparky, zachonator, zamio, Zero the hedgehog, Zonethehedgehog, Zooms, Zpawn, Zyro The Porcupine

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