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New Tab Climate Change Facts in Chrome z OffiDocs

New Tab Climate Change Facts  screen for extension Chrome web store in OffiDocs Chromium



Want to learn about climate change? With every new tab, this extension provides you with a brief fact to help you grow your knowledge on climate change.

These facts are centered around climate change sources, impacts, and solutions.

Whether you are looking to be introduced to the space or you are already well-educated, this extension will provide you with insightful information to strengthen your understanding.

This information includes key definitions, statistics, solutions, and explanations on the ways technology, governments, companies, and you can make a difference! Questions or comments? Email: zacherylim3@gmail.

opcji binarnych

Dodatkowe informacje:

- Offered by Zachery Lim
- Średnia ocena: 0 gwiazdek (nienawidzę tego)
- Deweloper Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. W przeglądarce musi być włączona obsługa JavaScript, żeby go zobaczyć.

New Tab Climate Change Facts web extension zintegrowany z OffiDocs Chromium Online

run Chrome Extensions
